Registrations NOW OPEN!
For the first time ever SC&T Region are holding an Environment Camp for all Venturers and Rovers at Mt Keira Scout Camp from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th July and we would love you to join us.
See Mt Keira like you have never seen it before!
So what’s in it for me?
Complete your Venturer Level Environment Tape, the aims of the Queen Scout Environment Tape and the World Scout Environment Badge (
Complete the aims of the World Scout Environment Badge ( & learn the skills to complete an environment focused BPSA project.
So what activities will be at the camp?
We have lots of amazing activities planned for the weekend including:
- Adventure Conservation
- Field Technology
- Fauna survey techniques
- Upcycling and Construction activities
- Op-Shop Formal Dinner
- Project Expo & Workshops
- Region Environment Forum
- Oh and heaps heaps more!